leadership communication by Sydoney A.A. Banks
Effective Communication Tips to Assist and Improve Your Great Leadership Skills
and the message is 100% about meeting the needs and the expectations
of those you’re communicating with (Myatt 2).
they know you care about them (Gleeson 1). Get personal. Have organizational conversations – think dialog not monologue and the more personal and engaging the more effective it will be (Myatt 2). “There is great truth in the following axiom: ‘people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care’” (Myatt 2). Develop meaningful relationships to know what others think and want before it becomes too late to learn what you could have done to make things
better in the first place (Myatt 2). Ask the right questions.
to be worked on and developed over time (Gleeson 3).
Replace ego with empathy. Be straightforward, sincere, and truthful when
communicating and use empathy and caring as you display a level of authenticity and transparency to articulate the main point of your presentation. This will help you turn anger into respect and doubt into trust with others when you avoid using your
ego to get your message across (Myatt 3).
Stay calm and be positive. Smile and carry yourself with confidence – calm is contagious – body language, tone, and delivery are very important. Effective communication is only about 7% of the words you say, so remember to be calm and positive (Gleeson 3).
Read between the lines. Great leaders have the uncanny ability to understand what is not said, witnessed, or heard and they know there is much to gain from the minds of others; so watch and listen and speak less and your awareness level will rise (Myatt 3).
When speaking, know what you are talking about. Develop a technical command over your subject matter – add value to a situation or topic and be credible – it matters very much what you say and how you say it (Myatt 4). Speak to groups as individuals. Good communicators/leaders can tailor
a message from one to ten to a hundred to thousands of listeners and have
their audience members feel that they are the individual the speaker is directly
talking to. Knowing how to work a room or an auditorium and being able to establish credibility, trust, and rapport are keys to successful interactions (Myatt 4). Adapt your
style to your audience – identify your audience and their characteristics and interests, adjust your communication style based on what the audience needs and what will encourage them to react to meet the goals of the communication (Anthony 1).
Be prepared to change if the message is needed. Know how to prepare and
develop a contingency plan and your objective must be in alignment with those
you are communicating with and remember to use “great questions, humor, stories, analogies, relevant data, and where needed, bold statements to help connect and
engender the confidence and trust that it takes for people to engage” (Myatt 4). Always have a plan A, but if it for any reason should fail remember to have a plan B or maybe
even a plan C, sometimes things do go awry so be prepared to succeed.
are going to – communicate your objective to others. The message is received
when the way is made clear for listeners to hear and understand the full message
given using knowledge, logic, reason, empathy, etc., and it won’t fall on deaf ears
and have to be reinforced or clarified later (Myatt 4).
“Effective communication skills do not come naturally for most people” and many “need to practice repeatedly in order to improve their skills” and one may “consider classes or training that will help them communicate effectively” (Anthony 2).
Anthony, Leigh. Effective Communication & Leadership.
Gleeson, Brent. 5 Ways to Improve Leadership Communication. Published on May 23, 2016. TakingPoint (http://www.brentgleesonspeaker.com/)
Myatt, Mike. 10 Communication Secrets Of Great Leaders. April 4, 2012. Forbes.
Some good videos on Leadership and Communication.